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ABOUT MULUNGU (Erythrina Mulungu):


'Cloudy Expanding Comfort'


The Mulungu spirit flows through our being like purified water, filtering out negative impressions to keep pushing us in positive timelines. After its effect it feels like being powdered by clouds which leads to opening, calming and invigorating sensations.


The Mulungu tree is a medium-sized, well-branched tree that grows 10-14 meter in height. It produces a profusion of pretty, reddish-orange flowers, mostly pollinated by hummingbirds, at the ends of the tree's many branches. It produces black seed pods containing large red-and-black seeds which are sometimes used by indigenous peoples to make necklaces and jewelry. This makes it an impressively large tree and also beautiful to look at. It is home in Latin America and found from Costa Rica through Peru all the way down to Brazil. It thrives in tropical climate and typically is found in swamps, marshes and along riverbanks.

Because of its colorful and rich features, it is also known as erythrina, bico-de-papagaio, corticeira, colorines, chilicote, tzompanquahuitl, murungu, muchocho, murungo, totocero, flor-de-coral, árvore-de-coral, pau-imortal, mulungu-coral, capa-homem, suiná-suiná, suinã, canivete, among others. The Nickname "coral flower" comes from the flowers resembling the color of orange coral.

Some Erythrina trees are used by locals in the Amazon for medicinal purposes, as well as insecticides and fish poison. Mulungu has long been used as a natural sedative in indigenous territory and as well to create tinctures and decoctions, made from the leaves or barks.

Together with the roots of the tree the indigenous tribes have established a deep relationship to promote relaxation when connecting with all those physical representation of the Mulungu Spirit. The beingness of Mulungu is known for its calming properties, making it an effective partner to combat mental confusion and promote clarity.

Aside from being used in a small number of dietary supplements, Mulungu bark has not received much mainstream attention in the Western world. However, more and more people are recognising the benefits and its impressive effects. Instead of asking directly the Great Spirit, scientists decided to do some animal experiments to show that Mulungu has a strong anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effect, for which the erythrine alkaloids are responsible.


The high amount of Tryptophan which turns into Serotonin can awaken a lost wish to live and feel joy in life for people being stuck in natural compression for too long.

The Rapezito Rapé made from this divine plant teacher is renowned for its calm relaxing effect and can be used for insomnia, deep meditation, spiritual cleansing and against stress. It is a unique and powerful blend enriched with many beneficial healing properties that stem from the Mulungu Spirit. Huni Kuin Mulungu is a very popular sacred powder among Brazilians and the Amazon tribes.

Often the power of this Rapé is felt to be working through the heart chakra and heart region. Others claim it balances and strengthens the solar plexus and helps us to open the crown chakra. Some report its energy flowing like water, warming and comforting the soul as well as bringing a quality of centeredness, peace and serenity to connect our being with kindness.

Adding to that, its users have also shared that it serves in the treatment of emotional challanging states and helps people suffering from nicotine withdrawal or drug use.

Overall Mulungu attratcs mood-enhancing effects while also supporting a healthy sleep pattern and dissolving depression if used with dedication. For example in Brazil and Peru, Mulungu is a common companion for epilepsy management due to its proven sedative effects on overactive neurotransmitters. It comes with antiasthmatic, analgesic, diuretic, expectorant, hypnotic, hypotensive, narcotic, sedative, tranquillising, antidepressant, hepatoprotective, hypotensive, antibacterial, antispasmodic, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. This, for example, gives value to act as a cardiotonic for heart palpitations and function as an antispasmodic for respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and coughs.

In addition to the mentioned decoction of its bark, it is not only used against depression and sleep disorders but stress, hysteria, agitation, compulsion, panic states, insomnia, neurosis, anxiety, trauma, shock, as well as for liver diseases, to mention a few. As a natural sedative, it has a hepatic trait which causes to a tonic, hepatonic, balancing and strengthening effect on the liver by reducing the high enzyme levels and sclerosis present in the liver.


The magnificent plant being also carries knowledge to lower blood pressure, cause obstruction clearance and normalizes cardiac arrhythmia. Indigenous communities have utilized it for generations to alleviate various stress-related psychological issues which is especially caused by the hypaphorine.



Medical Benefits:

  • Antiasthmatic
  • Analgesic
  • Diuretic
  • Tranquilizing
  • antidepressant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • expectorant
  • hypnotic
  • hypotensive
  • narcotic
  • sedative
  • tranquillising
  • hepatoprotective
  • hypotensive
  • antibacterial
  • antispasmodic
  • tonic
  • antispasmodic
  • liver diseases
  • hysteria
  • agitation
  • compulsion
  • panic states
  • insomnia
  • neurosis
  • anxiety
  • trauma
  • shock
  • hepatitis
  • sclerosis
  • cystitis
  • epilepsy
  • urinary insufficiency
  • rheumatic
  • chronic headaches

Spiritual Benefits:

  • experience the spiritual realm
  • contact with elemental beings
  • clear negative believes
  • harmonizes the soul and body
  • concentration
  • focus and determination
  • balance
  • revitalizing

Main Chakras:

  • Solar Plexus
  • Heart
  • Crown

Mulungu Rapezito

25,52 € Regular Price
23,74 €Sale Price


  • Rapé is a principal medicine that finds its use in many different areas. It can serve as a very powerful cure for all kinds of blockages. Made of the master plant Tobacco it is used to pray with, to purify the body, clear the mind, refresh the soul and ground deep into mother earth. It brings healing to not only oneself but others and the planet. Being with the Spirit of Rapé one can also study this medicine and go through strong experiences if one feels the calling.

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